Monday, 10 October 2022

Tea Time, Time for Tea!

 Sunday was a pretty mad day. Sunday and Monday seems to be break days from studying, so yesterday I led a party of Engine Trainees to explore the city of Durres together. Unfortunately I don't have many photos of the excursion, so when I get more, I can make a proper blog post about it.

Also, I crashed a Football C-Day. For those that don't remember, a C-Day just means connect-day and its an opportunity for Ship's Company to take part in Logos Hope's goal of spreading Knowledge, Help and Hope. 12 young plucky crewmembers took on some locals in a friendly game of football. It was 6v6 on two different pitches. I also don't have many photos, so when I get them, I'll be sure to share!

But I do have a photo of the tea which we (Brits on board) received. My teacher for Basic Training was from the UK, and he brought some goodies for all the Brits. The pinnacle was a whole bag of tea!

Every Sunday Lunch, the British people on board meet for Brits Tea, where we share, chat and chinwag all about our time on the ship. It was also after the Church service, hence the fancy clothes.

Also, in engine, we get our own stuff. These are my own Ear-Protection. On Tuesday, I'll be able to wear my own clothes that I measured. So that's gonna be so cool! I also intend to paint my ear-protection in funky Jotham style... so watch out for that!

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