Friday, 9 September 2022

Prayer at the Quinta

 Thursday night was dominated by the death of Her Majesty, but I first heard the news at a prayer evening at the Quinta.

The Quinta is the OM UK Office of OM.

Operation Mobilisation (OM) is an organisation that supports the recruitment for Logos Hope. When applying to the ship, I went through OM UK, and will have contact with them throughout my time onboard.
OM has the mission statement of  "creating Vibrant Communities of Jesus Followers among the Least Reached"... which I will have to expand upon in a later blog.

The Quinta is a campus with facilities for church groups, camps and teaching. Its quite large and has a lot of greenery, and would recommend.

Previously, I had an online conference with many of the members there, but I was disappointed that I could not meet these people in person. But thankfully, I was invited to visit in their prayer meeting!

It was great to meet many of the people I had met online, and wonderfully encouraging to hear about OM projects all about the world. But as I was standing at the front and answering some questions about what I was doing, I was hit by the realisation that it was only a week away!

In some ways it was surreal... after all, I have been preparing for this for over nine months. But overwhelmingly, I am excited! I think the excitement is divided between meeting the crazy number of people on the ship, but also serving the Lord Jesus in such a unique way.

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